Thursday, Jun 27, 2019 was held in Tokyo at NTT communications in the “OCPJ Meet-up 2019 Summer”.
Agenda and photos follow.

Thursday, Jun 27, 2019 was held in Tokyo at NTT communications in the “OCPJ Meet-up 2019 Summer”.
Agenda and photos follow.
Friday, Sep 19, 2014 was held in Tokyo at JP Tower 4F Hall 1 in the “2014 Cloud Computing Day Tokyo”.
Agenda and photos follow.
Thursday, Sep 18, 2014 was held in Tokyo at Palacehotel in the “OCP Engineering Workshop”.
This time we understood about OCP compared from last year, and we presented about OCP and Japan. We talked about the OCP solution in Japan, how to use, how to promote.
Thank you for coming.
Agenda and materials follow.
Today OCP Japan announced “OCP News Archives” site.
OCPJ has created the site to find OCP News easily for all OCP community members.
OCPJ hopes you find “OCP News Archive” helpful.
– Features
1. Archives from April 2011 to June 2014
Total 199 archives as of today
News are from Youtube/Datacenter Knowledge/Information week/
All Things/WIRED/・・・etc.
2. You can find the news what you want easily by
(1) Search function
(2) Search by categories( event name/ Company name/System name
etc. …104 categories)
(3) Recent posts
The Data Center Winter 2013 Conference (sponsored by Impress Corporation Business Media) was held on December 4 2013. The theme was ”Key technology to being an innovative Data Center” .
The main speeches were titled “Outcome to aim for and an Overview of Ongoing Activities of Open Compute Project Japan”, by Professor Esaki (University of Tokyo) and Koichi Ise (DATAHOTEL) White Data Center Project Working Group leader. They introduced OCP and discussed the next generation engineering of data centers.
October 29, 2013 on Tuesday, for OCPJ members, NTT Comware (Service Division next-generation data center WG) held tours of NTT Comware’s “Energy Efficient and Heat Recycling Data Denter”.
There were many applicants and attendees for this event. This was well-deserved due to the excellent reputation of this site.
On the day, there was also a question-and-answer session held after the tour where meaningful information was shared. We would like to thank NTT Comware for their organization of this event.
Detail refar from here.
“OCP Engineering Workshop in Seoul, Korea” held on November, 14 2013 in Seoul, Korea.
A presentation from OCPJapan member Ko Ise from Datahotel was given, highlighting the snow cooling technology for their DataCenter.
Topics of the day are listed below:
Thursday, October 31, 2013 in Akihabara in Tokyo. “Taiwan CCAT Day Tokyo” was held and OCP Taiwan and OCP Japan entered into a formal relationship by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). OCP Taiwan and OCP Japan have been collaborating up until this point, but it is now official.
In the future, through co-operation with OCP Taiwan, OCP Japan will contribute to the spread of OCP in the Asia-Pacific region.
Picture of signing ceremony. ※ upper right photo, from left, CBA President Osamu Sawada, OCPJ Fujita Ryutaro, OCPT (CCAT secretary) 闕志克 Dr. , CCAT Chairman 李 欽氏 poetry. The bottom right photo middle Executive Yuan Science and Technology Report executive secretary 呉明機Dr.